Rucsandra has spent more than 28 years among the clouds as commercial & corporate cabin crew. Her professional journey started in 1988 as cabin crew for the Romanian flag carrier – Tarom. Over the years, she reached the purser position, leading and managing a team of cabin crew to consistently deliver an excellent standard of performance.
In her cabin crew career, she had the opportunity to work closely to various Presidents and and Heads of Government around the world. Besides her commercial cabin crew career, she worked also as a corporate flight attendant in Asia & Africa.
Rucsandra has always maintained a high professional standard all those years and had served Aviation Industry with great zeal, discipline and hard work, carrying her duties with consistency and enthusiasm.
During her ongoing career she gave a lot of attention and also got involved personally with the training of future cabin crew and corporate flight attendants. The last few years, she is occupied intensively with matters of corporate aviation, teaching cabin crew on how to make the transition from commercial to private aviation through special Silver Service trainings.
Adriana Marcu este fost recrutor și însoțitor de bord Qatar Airways, cu o experiență de 5 ani în cadrul companiei aeriene de 5 stele din Doha, unde a ajuns până la funcția de șef de cabină.
Cu o carieră impresionantă în diplomație și aviație, dar și în domeniul umanitar (a fost parte din o serie de misiuni de menținere a păcii în Liban și Palestina), Adriana este un profesionist desăvârșit și un trainer cu experiență de la care cursanții noștri au ocazia să învețe foarte mult și să înțeleagă cum gândește un recrutor, la ce este atent în procesul de selecție și care sunt calitățile pe care acesta se așteaptă să le găsească într-un candidat la jobul de însoțitor de bord.
Să oferi ceea ce tu ai cel mai bun celorlalți, fie ei pasageri, colegi sau prieteni, înseamnă să dai universului oportunitatea să îți ofere ce are el mai bun, să ai parte de surprize, coincidențe și întâmplări minunate și oameni binevoitori. Și chiar funcționează! – Adriana Marcu
Roxana Ionuț a lucrat timp de 2 ani pentru una din cele mai prestigioase companii aeriene din Orientul Mijlociu, Gulf Air, în cadrul căreia a acumulat peste 3000 de ore de zbor. O persoană caldă, plină de răbdare și extrem de deschisă să ofere mai departe din experiența ei în aviație, Roxana este unul din trainerii care se transformă de-a lungul cursurilor în cel mai bun prieten al cursanților noștri. Are grijă ca aceștia să acumuleze cât mai multă informații din domeniu, să le fie alături în permanență și să le ghideze pașii spre nori.
“Urmând sfatul lui Ralph Waldo Emerson, „Întotdeauna fă ceea ce îți e frică să faci”, cele mai bune lucruri în viața mea s-au întâmplat când am pășit încrezătoare în afara zonei de confort.” – Roxana Ionuț
As a journalist, Georgiana was always passionate about the aviation industry. Therefore in 2010 she went to Aviation School and got her cabin crew license.
In 2013, Georgiana met Anca and together they created the How to be cabin crew project.
Combining her passion for flying and her job as a journalist, Georgiana coordinates our website as an editor and is in charge of organizing the cabin crew preparation courses and special events.
Georgiana takes care of the design of our website, making sure all our readers enjoy their time spent on our platform while reading useful articles about the cabin crew job.
With more than 8 years in marketing and communication, Anca is the creative heart behind How to become a Cabin Crew.
For the ones who know her, she is the smiling face with many aces up her sleeve, the one that will find a solution to any type of situation.
Within the online platform How to be cabin crew, Anca writes beautiful articles about flight attendants, is in charge of the social media strategy and coordinates the cabin crew courses.
As an aviation trainer, Anca strives to provide the best learning experience for her students and teach them how to be more confident and think outside the b
Nothing is impossible if you have the right guidance, and this is where we step in. On How to be Cabin Crew you can read hundreds of useful articles about the specific requirements of each airline and also testimonials which offer all the information there is to know about landing a job as cabin crew.
We provide intensive interview preparation courses for individuals planning to take on a career as cabin crew with one of the growing Middle East or European airlines.
The HTBCC team offers applicants first-hand knowledge of every aspect of the recruitment days of Emirates Airlines, Etihad Airways, Qatar airways, FlyDubai, AirArabia, Gulf Air, Oman Air, Ryanair, British Airways, Wizz Air, Easjyet etc.
Our courses are both informational and practical, allowing candidates to practice each stage of the interview they will encounter on the Assessment Days and to rehearse all the situations they will face during the cabin crew interview.
Our results speak for themselves: more than 80% of the participants attending our courses passed the job interviews with major airline companies and started working as cabin crew.
Long story short, our plan is to help you fulfill your dream and start a career as cabin crew, while you have fun, you interact with many people and you learn a lot of useful things. Enjoy!
See you among the clouds,
How to be Cabin Crew team
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We are so excited about the How to be cabin crew project which turned out to be extremely popular amongst young professionals who dream of a carrier as flight attendants.
Nothing is impossible if you have the right guidance, and this is where we step in. Read more about us.
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